用戶 yenian49bm

已登錄: 4 年 (since 2月 6, 2020)
類型: 已註冊用戶
網站: https://trevorgvvf586.skyrock.com/3329865654-Usual-Causes-of-Pain-in-Eye.html
關於: A lot of cases of eye discomfort while blinking can be dealt with at home with straightforward remedies, such as using warm compresses and staying clear of toxic irritants. Light situations of keratitis are dealt with using anti-bacterial eye drops. Much more serious situations may call for antibiotic drug to fight the infection.

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目前積分: 100 分 (積分排名:54)
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給出的評價: 0 贊成, 0 反對
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